As we are stepping into April, the sun has decided to shine and what a welcome change that is! The ice lollies are on order, and we will be getting out in the garden as soon as we can.
Nadia will resume regular walks across the Downs with the home’s residents, which is always very popular.
Alongside Easter, we have a lot to look forward to. We are well under way with the Spring display board, which so far includes beautiful, pressed flowers and lots of colourful paintings, all contributed by the home’s residents.
On the 5th we will be celebrating World Nutella Day, making fruit and chocolate turnovers. On Good Friday we will be having an Easter Egg Hunt, followed by a beautiful Roast Lamb dinner and a cheeky Hot Cross bun trifle on Easter Sunday. On Easter Monday, we have Easter themed Bingo – Eyes down!
On the 15th we will be holding a sweep stake for the Grand National – so all in all a lot of our resident’s favourite things – Food and a cheeky Bet. We have recently all become huge fans of the card game Newmarket and I have never seen each eager staff and residents when it comes to winning the main pot!
Lacey, our Duke of Edinburgh candidate continues to come along each Friday evening to play a variety of games with the residents. The response she gets is outstanding and so very lovely to see. Please head on over to our Facebook page to see more. The residents and I have been so impressed with what Lacey achieves each week and the interaction and joy she creates for the residents, that it was a huge pleasure to award her this month’s Exceptional Effort Certificate along with some spending money – just in time for the school holidays. I understand she has a shopping trip with her friends planned!
In addition to our regularly updated Facebook Page, please remember that anyone is more than welcome to come and look around to see what we have on offer. From the lovely garden, to the gorgeous communal areas, to our beautifully decorated rooms. No need to make an appointment, just pop by, or call with any enquiries and any of the staff can help you out!
Look after each other – Be Kind and a very Happy Easter to you all, from all of us.